Contact Us

Do your customers have pets? Most likely they do, as for example in the U.S. 67% of households own a pet*. As pets are today considered family members their owners want what's the best for them. 

PAIKKA's premium pet essentials and human-grade solutions are developed to support different life stages in pet's life. Our products help to solve the challenges owners might be facing concerning safety and protection and support more easy-going life with your pet.


Would you like to join the pack and receive more information how to become an authorized PAIKKA Partner? Contact our sales team or fill in the form.

Tea Kainu
+358 50 388 3698
*2019-2020 APPA National Pet Owners Survey

Are you looking for customized solutions?

We make our industry expertise available to help third-party retailers grow their pet accessories business. We prepare turnkey strategic assortment and pricing models for our business partners and give them access to our proprietary design, product development and manufacturing system.

We welcome custom projects, concept design projects and offer retail solutions. We are happy to send more details based on your needs. For more intel, please contact us:

Tea Kainu
+358 50 388 3698